ICW Services

The Quileute Tribe has exclusive Jurisdiction of all Quileute children. The state and federal government honor and recognize this agreement with all agencies that apply in the well-being of our children wherever they are in the United States.


The Quileute Tribe’s Children Services Program offers the following services:

Child Placement Services – the program performs placements upon issuance of a Tribal Court Order for Care, assists DSHS or other Child Placing Agencies in the placement of children in licensed foster care, receiving homes, and extended family placement.

Child Welfare Services – case planning and management/monitoring of family progress.

Foster Care Program – Short and long-term placement of children in foster care.

Foster Care Recruitment and Licensing – Recruitment and referral to DSHS of prospective foster parents within the Quileute Tribal Community as well as surrounding area to provide safe and stable homes to Tribal Children.

Support Services – provides information and referrals to support agencies (mental health, alcohol, legal, medical, etc).

Prevention Services – provides early identification of “high risk” families and follow-up inter-agency coordination of services.

Federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Support Services – provides assistance to Indian Families within our region, on a case-by-case, to monitor, coordinate services and provide guidance on compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act.

Coordination of Services – staff of Quileute Tribe’s Children’s Services Program work closely with other service providers (Tribe, State & Federal) to ensure coordination of training activities, case monitoring, and follow-up services.

Child Protection Services – The Quiltue Tribe currently relies on the Department of Social and Health Services in the performance of CPS investigations, however, the Children’s Services Program maintains constant involvement with such investigations for monitoring and service provision efforts to the families.