Secretarial Election Results

The Secretarial Election Results have been certified.

Please Note: This is a separate election from the Tribal Council election.
The purpose of the Secretarial Election was to amend the Quileute Constitution.

Quileute Marina Reconstruction

Beginning September 16, 2024, the Quileute Marina will be under-going extensive work and repair. This will effect all boats, both moored and using the ramp.

Click the button below to read the full public service announcement.

Quileute Days 2024

Thank you for joining us!

Contact Oceanside Resort for Accommodations

Dear valued guests and visitors, we are excited to once again welcome you to La Push. However, we respectfully ask that individuals please refrain from calling the Tribal Offices to make reservations at the resort as we will not be able to assist you.

Please be patient and continue to reach out to Quileute Oceanside Resort.

Move to Higher Ground

The Quileute Tribe would like to say thank you to all who contributed to the passing of the Quileute Tsunami Protection legislation.

Welcome to La Push!

Planning a visit?

Please take a moment to review our Indian Country Etiquette.

Media Policy

La Push is a beautiful place.

Please review our policies on photography, video, and sketching on Tribal land during your visit.

Talking Raven

Your local Quileute newsletter.

Visit today to read the latest news from the Quileute Tribe online.

The Quileute Tribe

The Quileute Tribe is located in La Push, Washington, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The Quileute Tribe has lived and hunted in this area for thousands of years. Although the village of La Push is only about one square mile, the Tribe’s original territory stretched along the shores of the Pacific from the glaciers of Mount Olympus to the rivers of the rain forests. Much has changed since those times, but the Quileute Elders remember “back in the days” when the “old people” dared challenge kwalla, the mighty whale, and recounted the story of how the bayak, or raven, placed the sun in the sky.

Because of the remote location of La Push, the Quileute have built a tourism industry that serves those seeking a relaxing getaway or a rejuvenating adventure. The tribe’s Oceanside Resort along First Beach offers ocean-view accommodations ranging from rustic to luxurious. Those who visit La Push come for whale watching in the spring; surfing, fishing, and hiking in the summer; and stormwatching in the fall and winter.

Conducting Business On Reservation

If you are interested in conducting business operations in La Push, WA on the Quileute Reservation, you must apply for a business license in advance. Please allow 14 days for approval and processing.

Click here to download the Business License Application

You may submit your application via email to, by mail to Quileute Tribe, PO Box 279 La Push WA 98350, or in-person at Quileute Tribal Office located at 90 Main Street, La Push, WA 98350.

At this time, we are unable to accept electronic payments. Please send your check, payable to Quileute Tribe to our PO Box or drop off a cash or check payment at Quileute Tribal Office.

Businesses are subject to a Business & Occupation Tax, per the Revised Business and Occupation Tax Ordinance No. 17-34.

If you have any questions about this process or the B&O tax rates, please call us at 360-374-7413.

Contractors & Vendors

If your primary business operations will be performed for the Quileute Tribe there is a separate process which includes a contractual agreement. Please contact Chris Sedgwick at or call 360-640-4575 for more information.

Requests for Proposals:

On occasion, the Quileute Tribe issues Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to identify qualified and experienced contractors (individuals or firms) to complete specialized projects.

Once an RFP has been awarded to a responsible bidder, the awarded bidder will be required to complete a Vendor Packet and Business License Application prior to executing a formal Personal Services Contract. Please be sure to read the RFP specifications and requirements thoroughly.

Each RFP posted will have a specific point of contact for questions related to the RFP and submission.

Current Requests for Proposals:

Please note work performed is subject to:

Stay With Us

The Quileute Oceanside Resort welcomes you to a peaceful, beautiful stay. Explore our website for more information, or contact us to book a reservation today.

(800) 487-1267

(360) 374-5267
330 Ocean Park Dr.
La Push, WA 98350

Quileute Community

For local news and updates, check out the latest issue of the Talking Raven, our premier newsletter.

To find out more about upcoming events and other community news, click here.

Let’s get social! Connect with Quileute Nation on Facebook and Instagram.